Saturday, 25 March 2017

#HolsDirect Twitter Hour Mon 27th March

#HolsDirect is a Twitter Hour run by Book your Holiday Direct Twitter Hour every Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm (UK time) and 8pm to 9pm (in France)

Helping the #HolsDirect Twitter Hour to Grow 

Two weeks ago we wrote about the aims and objectives of #HolsDirect Hour.  The ultimate aim is to increase direct bookings for holiday home owners and therefore the more successful the Hour can be and the further #HolsDirect tweets travel the greater the chance we have of each achieving this aim.  Last week we gave 2 ways those taking part in #HolsDirect can help the Hour to grow - Retweeting and following large relevant Twitter accounts.  Today here are 5 more ways that YOU can increase the success of #HolsDirect.

1.  Promote other local businesses in your #HolsDirect Tweets

Two weeks ago when we asked a question about local restaurants in #HolsDirect some people taking part included the Twitter handles of local restaurants who could then see they have been recommended and RTed the tweets .... thus further promoting themselves as well as the owner's property and #HolsDirect.  So if in the course of #HolsDirect if you can mention relevant local organisations with their Twitter handle there's a good chance they will RT you.  This might include restaurants, local tourist attractions, shops etc.  

2.  Mention your area in #HolsDirect Tweets

Tourist boards and Twitter accounts promoting specific areas will often RT tweets about their area of interest.  So if, for example, you're in #Yorkshire or #Normandy etc, mention this is a #HolsDirect Tweet.  Adding a hashtag helps it to be seen but do remember that hashtags stop at gaps so if you are in the Peak District for example you'll need to either write #PeakDistrict, #Peaks or #Peak_District.  An underscore is allowed in a hashtag but not a hypen so #Peak-District will stop being highlighted after Peak.

3.  Use #HolsDirect for more of your Publicity Tweets

You don't need to keep #HolsDirect just for Monday evening - use it where relevant in your tweets throughout the week.  You can also do a search for others using it and give some of them a RT .... just make sure you're promoting BYHD too when you're do it!

4.  Tweet about the map and link to BYHD throughout the week

Our map is growing week by week. It now has well over 400 properties on it and has been viewed over 7000 times.  It can be viewed by everyone so we need to get people to know about it.  This will also help BYHD to grow alog with your chances of getting bookings.  So some tweets mentioning the map, BYHD and #HolsDirect throughout the week will all help.

5.  Promote #HolsDirect on other Social Media Channels  

Hashtags are not just for Twitter so give it a mention on all your social media channels where you can including your own FB pages, Intagram, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn etc. 



#HolsDirect - 27th March

From 7pm UK time (8pm French time) we will be asking 4 questions related to holiday accommodation and holidays in the UK and France and asking owners of holiday accommodation and those looking for holidays to join in with #HolsDirect

#HolsDirect Hour Questions – Monday 27th March

7pm, Q1: Everyone:
Nutella or marmalade for breakfast?  What is your favourite toast spread?

7.15pm, Q2: Holiday Home Owners
Tell us where you are in the UK, Ireland or France.

7.30pm, Q3: Everyone:
What's your favourite UK or French zoo/wildlife park?

7.45pm, Q4: Holiday Home Owners:
Tell us you Easter availability and special offers.

It’s free to join us and totally free to promote your holiday home. Join the friendly admin team on Twitter and Facebook to showcase your holiday property to the World Wide Web!

Please remember no links to booking websites or agencies.

If you need a bit of help knowing how best to take part have a read of our tips here and here.

We look forward to chatting with you on Monday 27th March #HolsDirect.

Your hosts on March 27th will be:

See you then!
Linda and Rosie

PS - if you have any questions please join our Facebook group and message one of the admin team.