Saturday 4 March 2017

#HolsDirect Twitter Hour on @BookHolsDirect - Mon 6th March

Book your Holiday Direct Twitter Hour Monday 6th March 2017 from 7pm to 8pm (UK time) and 8pm to 9pm (in France) #HolsDirect

Last week we reached over 95,600 Twitter accounts with the #HolsDirect hashtag - that is A LOT of potential guests!!

How Best to Join in with #HolsDirect?

We have been asked to give a bit of help on how best to take part in #HolsDirect so here you go.  During the Hour:

1. Search for tweets using the hashtag #HolsDirect and interact with them. You can Retweet things you like the look of and wish to promote or start a conversation with some-one. Twitter is all about conversations so last week I had various conversations going with people about cider as this is the drink local to where my gite is (Normandy). However the conversations do not have to be holiday related and you are really try to sell yourself as much as your property. You might just want to comment on how nice somewhere looks or it is where you were born/went to college/first holiday or what-ever. Be yourselves and be chatty. (Liking is good if you want to go back to a Tweet later but ReTweeting and commenting are better for promoting the hashtag).

2. Search on the @BookHosDirect Twitter page and keep an eye out for the 4 questions we ask. The aim of these is to help get conversations started and if you answer them try to include the A1, A2 etc as well as #HolsDirect. You do not have to answer all of them or even any of them but they will act as a starting point for conversations.

3. You can also simply start your own promotional tweets, remembering to include #HolsDirect and @BookHolsDirect so others will see it. Or when you join in you might want to tweet something like "I'm here on #HolsDirect - who else is chatting tonight?"

The ultimate idea of a chat hour is to promote your business but it is NOT all about selling. It's about networking in the same way that if you walked into a conference you would not simply approach everyone and shove a business card in their hand and then walk off. You'd start talking to them, find out a bit about them, what they do, where they are from etc. A Twitter Hour is exactly the same.

Oh and tweet about #HolsDirect beforehand and follow people who take part!

It’s free to join us and totally free to promote your holiday home. Join the friendly admin team on Twitter and Facebook to showcase your holiday property to the World Wide Web!

Join us on Twitter on Monday 6th March at 7pm (UK time) 8pm (French time) and get involved in promoting your property or finding your next holiday.

Remember to:

  • RT
  • RT and quote
  • Post using the hashtag #HolsDirect and @BookHolsDirect
  • Ask questions
  • Chat away
  • Include A1 at the start of your tweet to answer question 1, A2 for question 2 and so on.
  • Follow people who take part 
  • For anyone needing even more help about joining in please read this post -  Getting the Best from a Twitter Hour

Pop the date in your diary and the questions for #HolsDirect hour are listed below!

#HolsDirect Hour Questions – Monday 6th March

7pm, Q1: Everyone:
Chocolate éclair or Victoria sponge - what's your favourite teatime treat?

7.15pm, Q2: Holiday Home Owners:
Do you have a local speciality food?

7.30pm, Q3: Holiday Home Owners:
Are there any Spring events near you?

7.45pm, Q4: Holiday Home Owners:
Share your March and Easter availability and special offers.
Please remember no links to booking websites or agencies.

We look forward to chatting with you on Monday 6th March #HolsDirect.

Alison and Rosie